Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction, also called Reduction Mammaplasty, is a surgical operation that reduces the size of a women’s breast, whilst focusing on creating and maintaining the best possible shape and appearance, including repositioning the breasts to an improved position on the chest. Breast reduction surgery can help women who are unhappy with the weight, shape or position of their breasts by making them smaller and lifted.

Overly large breasts can cause great discomfort for women, particularly in the back, neck and shoulders and can cause significant psychological issues and aesthetic concerns. Due to natural ageing, pregnancy and weight fluctuations, the ligaments and overlying skin, which help create the youthful shape of breasts, stretch and elongate, resulting in the breasts drooping onto the chest wall. Breast reduction surgery is designed to improve these issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Overly large breasts can be very uncomfortable and affect women’s quality of life and the way they feel about themselves. Breast reduction is a very common and successful procedure and there are many benefits to undergoing surgery, which include;

  • Improved wellbeing and confidence
  • Improved mobility
  • Back and neck pain reduction
  • Less skin irritation
  • Improved ability to exercise, resulting in better health and quality of life

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anaesthetic in one of our top London private hospitals.

The surgery takes between 2-3 hours and you’ll be required to stay in hospital for between 1-3 days depending on your individual case.

Breast reduction surgery is performed by Justine O’Hara, a highly skilled plastic surgeon specialising in female plastic surgery.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to undergo breast reduction surgery, without the result of scars and all surgical incisions leave scars, however there are several different techniques available and wherever possible, Dr O’Hara uses the most modern, reduced scar ‘vertical’ reduction. For patients with larger breasts, or where the skin quality has been damaged or stretched, then a scar is also required in the fold beneath the breast. Dr O’Hara aims to achieve a scar of minimal length and the best possible quality, however, a patient’s anatomy and healing process will always be responsible for the overall scar result. Dr O’Hara will discuss all of the various types of breast reduction surgery with you and help you to choose the one that is most appropriate for your concern.

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, which can include;

  • Allergy
  • Anaesthetic problems
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Haematoma formation
  • Infection
  • Pain

Risks and complications specific to Breast Reduction surgery include;

  • Breast Asymmetry
  • ‘Dog ears’
  • Nipple necrosis
  • Nipple sensation disturbance
  • An unfavourable aesthetic result

Dr O’Hara will discuss any potential risks and complications with you and your pre-op consultations.

Your results will be immediately visible, though the look of your breasts will continue to improve as the incision lines and swelling reduces. In most cases, you’ll be able to return to your normal activities within 1 week and then gradually increase your activity with the view to being back to normal within 6 weeks. Although swelling is minimal following breast reduction, there will be some puffiness and you can expect this to settle over approximately a 6 week period, with the swelling to fully subside after 3 months. You’ll need to wear a special compression bra for 6 weeks day and night following your surgery and then during the day for a further 6 weeks. You are then free to wear a bra of your choice or go without one, though it is highly recommended to have good bra support to maintain the shape and position of your breasts in the long term. It is possible that the stitches used will be dissolvable and these will not require removal. If regular stitches are used, these will be removed between 1 and 3 weeks post surgery. We do not routinely use drains following surgery, which dramatically improves post-operative comfort and experience.

“Overly large breasts can cause great discomfort for women, particularly in the back, neck and shoulders and can cause significant psychological issues and aesthetic concerns”