
An Abdominoplasty or a ‘tummy tuck’ is a plastic surgery procedure that removes excess fat and loose skin from the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles to achieve improved function, tone and contour. Surgery can also address the repair of the abdominal muscles that may have been stretched during pregnancy and led to lower abdominal bulging. The results can be life changing, giving a flatter, firmer and more youthful appearance to the abdomen.

There are several instances where abdominal surgery can be highly beneficial to patients and include;

A protruding abdomen caused by stretched muscles and skin
Abdominal muscles that have been weakened by pregnancy or ageing, which have subsequently caused muscle separation and a ‘gap’
Patients who are at their ideal weight and lead a healthy lifestyle
Loose and sagging abdominal skin that might hang over previous abdominal scars, such as caesarian section or appendix scars
Excess fat in the abdominal area that won’t shift with diet and exercise

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several instances where abdominal surgery can be highly beneficial to patients and include;

  • A protruding abdomen caused by stretched muscles and skin
  • Abdominal muscles that have been weakened by pregnancy or ageing, which have subsequently caused muscle separation and a ‘gap’
  • Patients who are at their ideal weight and lead a healthy lifestyle
  • Loose and sagging abdominal skin that might hang over previous abdominal scars, such as caesarian section or appendix scars
  • Excess fat in the abdominal area that won’t shift with diet and exercise
  • Non-smokers

There are 3 different types of Abdominoplasty; 

  • Standard-Full Tummy Tuck
  • Mini-Tummy Tuck
  • Fleur-de-Lis & Reverse Tummy Tuck

A standard abdominoplasty is the most common form of abdominoplasty surgery. The belly button is cut around and freed from the skin. The skin is then pulled down to allow for maximum removal and the abdominal muscles are tightened all the way from the pubic bone to the breastbone. The belly button is then brought out through a new incision and the scar is carefully positioned below the underwear line. Although the scar is long, it allows for the maximum improvement in the shape and strength of the abdomen and usually heals extremely well over time. This procedure is suitable for patients who require a contour improvement of the abdomen, addressing the larger amounts of skin, fat and muscles, which is typically seen following weight loss and multiple pregnancies. Contouring liposuction is frequently requested to re-contour the flanks and abdomen.

A mini-abdominoplasty can be the ideal procedure for patients who have a small amount of loose skin on the lower abdomen below the belly button and where there is less need for major muscle tightening. With a mini-abdominoplasty, the belly button is not moved and very little surgery is performed above the belly button. Unlike the standard tummy tuck, there is no scar around the belly button with this procedure and the scar is kept as short as possible above the pubic area.

Loose fat and skin are removed from the area above the pubis and some additional liposuction can also be performed to improve the overall look and shape.

Since there is less muscle tightening with this procedure, the recovery time can be much quicker than with the standard tummy tuck.

Where there is more extreme skin excess, a ‘fleur de lis’ tummy tuck technique may be required. A ‘fleur de lis’ abdominoplasty involves removal of excess skin from horizontal and longitudinal directions resulting in a T- shaped scar. This abdominoplasty type is generally applied to massive weight loss patients.

It is important to know that an abdominoplasty is not for correcting major weight issues and you will only be considered for surgery if your expectations for the desired results are realistic. For female patients, it is best to delay having a tummy tuck until you have finished having children to prevent your abdominal muscles being further stretched by pregnancy. Following major weight loss, a tummy tuck is advised when you are close to your ideal weight and have maintained that weight for 6 months and your health and nutrition are as normal as possible.

Abdominoplasty surgery is performed under general anaesthetic in one of our top London private hospitals.

A full tummy tuck takes 2-3 hours and a mini-tummy tuck usually takes 1-2 hours, depending on the individual case and you’ll be required to stay in hospital for between 1-3 days depending on the type of surgery you have.

Following your surgery, dressings are applied to the wound and you will be required to wear compression garments for 3-6 weeks to further assist the swelling, healing and desired final result. These are easily worn under clothing, are relatively light and can be taken off and washed and dried.

It is usual to have some moderate discomfort and you’ll be provided with the right pain medication to help alleviate these symptoms. You’ll be encouraged to get up and move around soon after surgery to promote healthy blood circulation, however it is essential not to bend or lift anything at this stage. At approximately 6 weeks, most of the swelling from surgery would have subsided and you will have a good idea as to the final result. During the healing process, you’ll notice that your abdomen is becoming smoother and firmer, with final results being seen at approximately 3 months time. Scars gradually fade over time and take approximately 12 months to fade to a desired result. In order to maintain long-lasting results, a healthy diet and regular exercise are highly recommended.

This treatment is performed by Justine O’Hara, who is a highly skilled female plastic surgeon, specialising in female plastic surgery.

“A standard abdominoplasty is the most common form of abdominoplasty surgery”