Nipple Correction

Nipple correction surgery works by correcting issues associated with enlarged, asymmetrical, protruding or inverted nipples and can be present in both females and males. A nipple is made up of two parts, which are called the nipple and the areola. The nipple is the projected part and the areola is the dark pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple. Inverted nipples are the most common nipple correction surgery that surgeons perform and are a result of an imbalance in muscle traction, where the strength of the outward muscle is weaker that the inward muscle, resulting in the nipple remaining permanently retracted.

Inverted nipples are categorised into grades, depending on the severity;

Grade 1 is when the nipple is inverted underneath the areola, but can be manipulated to protrude, however after a few minutes, it reverts back to its inverted state. This grade does not usually require corrective surgery unless it is affecting how you feel about yourself. There are usually no issues with breastfeeding with Grade 1.
Grade 2 is when the nipple is inverted underneath the areloa, however it can only be forcefully manipulated to temporarily protrude. Breastfeeding can be possible and correction surgery requires surgery on the milk ducts.
Grade 3 is when the nipple remains permanently inverted, even when vigorous stimulation is applied. The nipples remain hidden in the areola and surgery is necessary to rebalance the muscle pull.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both female and male patients can benefit from nipple correction surgery to improve self-esteem, quality of life and general confidence in their appearance and intimate situations.

The ability to be able to breastfeed depends on the severity of your individual nipple inversion. Minor surgery, which involves the milk ducts being stretched, usually results in successful breastfeeding. With more intense surgery, which can involve the milk ducts, it is unlikely that patients will be able to breastfeed in the future.

The surgery is performed as a day case procedure at our clinic at 152 Harley Street. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and takes approximately 1 hour. You are able to go home after your procedure.

Nipple correction surgery is performed by Justine O’Hara, a highly skilled plastic surgeon specialising in female plastic surgery.

You will be able to see the results of surgery immediately, however swelling can last for several weeks. You can resume your daily activities within 24-48 hours following surgery. Dissolvable stitches are used, so no removal is required.

As with any surgical procedures, there are potential risks and complications, which can include;

  • Allergy
  • Anaesthetic problems
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Haematoma formation
  • Infection
  • Pain

The risks and complications associated with nipple correction surgery are mainly your ability to breastfeed and this will be discussed during your consultation. Changes to the sensitivity of your nipples and also the re-inversion can occur. Although scars are an inevitable result of any surgery, we make every effort to keep them as inconspicuous as possible for you. Scars fade over time and are located in such a way, as to become less noticeable as they fade.

“Nipple correction surgery works by correcting issues associated with enlarged, asymmetrical, protruding or inverted nipples and can be present in both females and males”